In the end it came down to a flip of the coin. All that was left (apart from development) was to come up with a suitable studio name. Soon after, Chris was drafted in to lead the development on the studio's first game, Total Annihilation. Ron Gilbert was keen for Humongous to branch out and set up a division geared towards a more mature market, and Chris's idea of "the ultimate war game" seemed to take root.
In order to fulfil his dream of "making things blow up", Chris called an old friend from his days working at Accolade, Shelley Day, who, along with industry legend Ron Gilbert (of Monkey Island fame), ran kiddie software developer Humongous Entertainment. Until then, I'd become something of a career sports game developer, having worked on Hardball 2 and 4-D Boxing, but after playing C&C I said to myself, that's it, I'm going to build a real-time strategy game no more sports games, from here on in it's tanks and jet fighters!" Let's Get Together I'd already heard about it and I was a fan of Westwood's Dune 2, but when I played C&C I was blown away. "I was walking around E3 in 1995, checking out what everyone else had been up to when I came across Command & Conquer. TA's chief architect Chris Taylor is candid about his inspirations. Familiar elements were cribbed from the likes of Command & Conquer, but there was also a huge amount of innovation at a micro-level. Total Annihilation's basic strategy was to advance the existing RTS blueprint in every possible direction. Few would argue it's one of the best RTS games ever constructed.
Mods and total conversions are still in production, new units still appear on the Net on a regular basis, and the game is still played by hundreds of fans every day - which is more than can be said for contemporaries like Quake II and Age of Empires. Six years on, Total Annihilation has proved to be one of the most enduring and playable RTS games ever. This wasn't just C&C-plus, this was war on a scale beyond compare, with dozens of uniquely useful units and a wealth of strategic options that remain extraordinary to this day. Slowly, however, the game began to reveal its true depths.

Harking from an unknown US developer, the game was initially dismissed as a Command & Conquer clone, its chief selling point seeming to be the fairly inevitable move to full 3D units. Six years ago, at a time of high excitement for the real-time strategy genre, a good-looking click-and-drag number was released called Total Annihilation. It teaches you all of the basics very quickly and then from that you can start to develop your own strategies when it comes to the actual battles.
It teaches you very quickly about what you can do, what units you need to use, how to gather resources and so on. It is one of those games that is very, very easy to get into. What I really like about this game and what has kept me coming back to it all these years later is the gameplay. For a game from 1997, Total Annihilation has held up very, very well. The fact that Total Annihilation looks amazing does also help drive home how awesome the story is. The game actually has a really cool intro that gets you pretty pumped up for the conflict between the two. The conflict between the two is pretty awesome and the story is better than I am describing here.

The Core decided that everyone turning into robots was a good idea and the Arm did not…. The game is set in the far future and there are two warring factions, The Core and the Arm. The game's stunning 3D terrain of forests, magic-laden ruins and expansive oceans provide a landscape of war fraught with danger, magic and ambush.The story of Total Annihilation is pretty awesome and surprisingly deep for a game originally released back in 1997. Wizards, beasts and even flame-spewing demons will will heed your every command, waging war on an epic field of battle. You'll rally your legions - swordsmen, archers and knights on horseback - under your flag. In Total Annihilation: Kingdoms, you'll take the role of one of the four immortal monarch of these nations at war. Four completely unique races are vying for control of the mythical world of Darien, each representing one of the four elements - Earth and Air, Fire and Water. Tremendous magical forces will level entire fortresses in the blink of an eye. Four completely unique races are vying for control of the mythical world of Darien, each representing one of the four elements - Earth and Air, Fire and Massive armies will clash.